IBS: what is it all about?

Irritable Bowel syndrome (IBS) is among the most common gastrointestinal disorders and is characterized by a combination of chronic or recurrent symptoms that cannot be explained by organic causes.

IBS can be defined as a chronic and recurrent disorder of gastrointestinal system function.

It affects the colon and small intestine with alterations in motor function, pain sensitivity, and fluid secretion.

These changes can produce symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort, abdominal bloating, and changes in bowel function.

To date, it is not possible to cure irritable bowel syndrome.

IBS: how is the problem addressed abroad?

Monash University’s department of gastroenterology has studied food products and found that certain nutrients called FODMAPs are responsible for the altered bowel activity and attributable to certain nutrients, which when taken over certain daily amounts cause IBS symptoms.

He also identified a protocol (low FODMAP diet), which was found to be effective in resolving the problma.

And in Italy?
The problem is open

The Italian medical, nutrition, and pharmaceutical world recommends calming agents, probiotics, supplements (which, however, are unfortunately not always effective), and suggests reducing or even eliminating a long list of foods.

There are no certified low FODMAP foods on the domestic market, and daily nutrition is an issue that affects psychological and social issues.

Myrea products are the result of years of extensive study of raw materials, formulations and production methods.

All products have been laboratory tested in collaboration with the Department of Chemistry at the University of Parma and rely on important research conducted by Monash University.

The references are recognized by ACINI (Italian National Irritable Colon Association).

Food Line

sweet and savory baked goods, pasta with gluten, snacks and vegetable preserves.

Supplement Line

Herbal teas and dietary supplements

Myrea Food:
the classic taste

Choose the
herbal tea
right for you
